Practice an Attitude of Gratitude
Reflect on your present blessings, on which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. —Charles...

Sip and flow: Why Wine Yoga is becoming the latest fun fitness trend.
Yogis and oenophiles ( aka wine lovers!) everywhere are coming together to sip and flow—and it's pretty much the best thing ever! We all...

Yoga - The H.R Managers Lifesaver?
Stress in the workplace..... It's 2018 and it’s no secret that stress and anxiety have a negative effect on productivity in the...

My Action Plan for 2018
For the first time in all of my 29 years, I am so looking forward to the month of January. Previously, in my old life, my only goal for...

The Magic of a Morning Routine
I was once told by a therapist that the reason my anxiety was high was largely because my morning was a mess. My morning? I was...

5 Fitness Tips to keep you trim this Festive Season.
It is my favorite month of the year - mainly because I can have mulled wine on a Tuesday and no-one will look at me sideways. It’s that...

Overcoming Self-Doubt & Insecurities
Insecurities can stem from anywhere. Growing up, I was insecure about anything and everything. Terrified to ask a question in class for...

How and Why to Start a Journal.
Could bitching and moaning on paper for 5mins each morning change your life? As crazy as it seems, I believe the answer is yes. “Once we...

Yoga Verses Pilates: What’s the Difference?
A lot of people ask me what the difference is between yoga and Pilates. It is a very common question and a very common mis-understanding....

Meditation Station: How to slow down in a hectic world.
Meditation - “Meditation enables one to focus on the present moment rather than dwell on the unchangeable past or the undetermined...